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ICDVRAT 2008 with ArtAbilitation 2008 - Full Papers Download

The Seventh International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies
with ArtAbilitation 2008

8th to 11th September 2008 - Maia & Porto, Portugal

ICDVRAT Online Archive - Part VII

Keynote 1 - Skip Rizzo on Clinical Virtual Reality

Session Chair: Pedro Lopes-dos-Santos

Virtual reality in psychology and rehabilitation: the last ten years and the next!

A A Rizzo, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, USA

Keynote 2 - Robert Astur on Brain Imaging and Psychological Disorders

Session Chair: Patrice L (Tamar) Weiss

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and virtual reality: adding brain imaging to your virtual reality repertoire

R S Astur, Hartford Hospital/Yale University, USA

Special Session - Interpretations

Session Chair: Paul Sharkey

Interpretations: inter-sensory stimulation concept targeting inclusive access offering appreciation of classical music for all ages, standing, & disability

A L Brooks, Aalborg University Esbjerg, DENMARK

Session I - Cognitive Rehabilitation

Session Chair: Belinda Lange

Effect of playing computer games on decision making in people with intellectual disabilities

P J Standen, F Rees and D J Brown, University of Nottingham/Nottingham Trent University, UK

Performance within the virtual action planning supermarket (VAP-S): an executive function profile of three different populations suffering from deficits in the central nervous system

N Josman, E Klinger and R Kizony, University of Haifa, ISRAEL and Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Angers-Laval, FRANCE

Virtual reality and neuropsychology: a cognitive rehabilitation approach for people with psychiatric disabilities

A Marques, C Queirós and N Rocha, Oporto Polytechnic Institute/University of Porto, PORTUGAL

Neuropsychological assessment using the virtual reality cognitive performance assessment test

T D Parsons and A A Rizzo, University of Southern California, USA

Virtual reality Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) exposure therapy results with active duty Iraq war combatants

A A Rizzo, G Reger, K Perlman, B Rothbaum, J Difede, R McLay, K Graap, G Gahm, S Johnson, R Deal, J Pair, T D Parsons, M Roy, R Shilling and P M Sharkey, University of Southern California/Naval Medical Center – San Diego/Emory University School of Medicine/Weill Medical College of Cornell University/Madigan Army Medical Center – Ft. Lewis/Virtually Better, Inc/Walter Reed Army Medical Center/Office of Naval Research, USA and University of Reading, UK

Session II - Neurological Dysfunction

Session Chair: Christina Queirós

Virtual reality methodology for eliciting knowledge about public transport accessibility for people with acquired brain injury

M Wallergård, J Eriksson and G Johansson, Lund University, SWEDEN

Exploration of computer games in rehabilitation for brain damage

J Broeren, A-L Bellner, M Fogelberg, O Göransson, D Goude, B Johansson, P A Larsson, K Pettersson and M Rydmark, Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Göteborg University/Primary Care and Municipality Uddevalla/Fyrbodal Research Institute/ Uddevalla Hospital, SWEDEN

Changes in electroencephalographic spike activity of patients with focal epilepsy through modulation of the sensory motor rhythm in a brain-computer interface

R J Lopes, P S Gamito, J A Oliveira, L H Miranda, J C Sousa and A J Leal, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias/Universidade Nova de Lisboa/Hospital Júlio de Matos/Hospital Dona Estefânia, PORTUGAL

Effects of different virtual reality environments on experimental pain threshold in individuals with pain following stroke

M J Simmonds and S Shahrbanian, McGill University, CANADA

Session III - Virtual Reality Methodologies I

Session Chair: Mattias Wallergård

You are who you know: user authentication by face recognition

M Klíma, A J Sporka and J Franc, Czech Technical University in Prague/Sun Microsystems, Inc, CZECH REPUBLIC and University of Trento, ITALY

Low-cost optical tracking for immersive collaboration in the CAVE using the Wii Remote

A Murgia, R Wolff, P M Sharkey and B Clark, University of Reading/University of Salford, UK

Virtual reality rehabilitation – what do users with disabilities want?

S M Flynn, B S Lange, S C Yeh and A A Rizzo, University of Southern California, USA

Auditory-visual virtual environments to treat dog phobia

I Viaud-Delmon, F Znaïdi, N Bonneel, D Doukhan, C Suied, O Warusfel, K V N’Guyen and G Drettakis, IRCAM/La Salpetriere Hospital/ REVES INRIA, FRANCE

Session IV - Communication & Interaction

Session Chair: Adam Sporka

Collaborative puzzle game - an interface for studying collaboration and social interaction for children who are typically developed or who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder

A Battocchi, E Gal, A Ben Sasson, F Pianesi, P Venuti, M Zancanaro and P L Weiss, University of Trento/Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY and University of Haifa, ISRAEL

Virtual human patients for training of clinical interview and communication skills

T D Parsons, P Kenny and A A Rizzo, University of Southern California, USA

Tele-evaluation and intervention among adolescents with handwriting difficulties – Computerized Penmanship Evaluation Tool (ComPET) implementation

L Hen, N Josman and S Rosenblum, University of Haifa, ISRAEL

Gazing into a Second Life: gaze-driven adventures, control barriers, and the need for disability privacy in an online virtual world

S Vickers, R Bates and H O Istance, De Montfort University, UK

Keeping an eye on the game: eye-gaze interaction with Massively Multiplayer Online Games and virtual communities for motor impaired users

S Vickers, H O Istance, A Hyrskykari, N Ali and R Bates, De Montfort University, UK and University of Tampere, FINLAND

Visual eye disease simulator

D Banks and R J McCrindle, University of Reading, UK

Session V - ArtAbilitation

Session Chair: Ceri Williams & Eva Petersson

Aphasic theatre or theatre boosting self-esteem

I Côté, L Getty and R Gaulin, Théâtre Aphasique Montréal/Université de Montréal, CANADA

Passages - a 3D artistic interface for child rehabilitation and special needs

F Ghedini, H Faste, M Carrozzino and M Bergamasco, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna/IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, ITALY

Cognitive effects of videogames on old people

A Torres, University of Porto/ University of Aveiro, PORTUGAL

Providing disabled persons in developing countries access to computer games through a novel gaming input device

A C Smith and C Krause, African Advanced Institute for Information & Communications Technology, SOUTH AFRICA

Customization of gaming technology and prototyping of rehabilitation applications

B Herbelin, J Ciger and A L Brooks, Aalborg University Esbjerg, DENMARK

Unintentional intrusive participation in multimedia interactive environments

C Williams, Pontnewydd Primary School, WALES

Session VI - Motor Rehabilitation

Session Chair: Evelyne Klinger

Virtual reality system for upper extremity rehabilitation of chronic stroke patients living in the community

A Chortis, P J Standen and M Walker, University of Nottingham, UK

Virtual reality in the rehabilitation of the upper limb after hemiplegic stroke: a randomised pilot study

J H Crosbie, S Lennon, M C McGoldrick, M D J McNeill, J W Burke and S M McDonough, University of Ulster, N. IRELAND

HARMiS – hand and arm rehabilitation system

J Podobnik, M Munih and J Cinkelj, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA

Virtual reality, haptics and post-stroke rehabilitation in practical therapy

L Pareto, J Broeren, D Goude and M Rydmark, University West, Trollhättan/Curictus AB, Kista/Göteborg University/Sahlgrenska University Hospital, SWEDEN

Robotic assisted rehabilitation in virtual reality with the L-EXOS

A Frisoli, M Bergamasco, L Borelli, A Montagner, C Procopio, M C Carboncini and B Rossi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna/University of Pisa, ITALY

Session VII - Visual & Hearing Impairment

Session Chair: Lindsay Evett

Remote mobility and navigation aid for the visually disabled

M Bujacz, P Baranski, M Moranski, P Strumillo and M Materka, Technical University of Lódz, POLAND

Accessible virtual environments for people who are blind – creating an intelligent virtual cane using the Nintendo Wii controller

L Evett, D J Brown, S Battersby, A Ridley and P Smith, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Mobile audio assistance in bus transportation for the blind

J H Sánchez and C A Oyarzún, University of Chile, CHILE

Finger spelling recognition using distinctive features of hand shape

Y Tabata and T Kuroda, Kyoto College of Medical Science/Osaka University, JAPAN

Interactive training of speech articulation for hearing impaired using a talking robot

M Kitani, Y Hayashi and H Sawada, Kagawa University, JAPAN

Session VIII - Virtual Reality Methodologies II

Session Chair: Miguel Santos

Examination of users’ routes in virtual environments

C Rigó and C Sik Lányi, University of Pannonia, HUNGARY

The effect of game speed and surface perturbations on postural control in a virtual environment

P J R Hawkins, M B Hawken and G J Barton, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

Towards a platform of alternative and adaptive interactive systems for idiosyncratic special needs

A L Brooks, Aalborg University Esbjerg, DENMARK

Virtual reality and associated technologies in disability research and intervention

P Lopes-dos-Santos, M Maia, A Tavares, M Santos and M Sanches-Ferreira, University of Porto/Porto Polytechnic School of Education, PORTUGAL

Session IX - Helping Through Music

Session Chair: Rolf Gehlhaar & Ben Challis

An infrared sound and music controller for users with specific needs

B P Challis and K Challis, University of Glamorgan, UK/Education Bradford, UK


A P Almeida, L M Girão, R Gehlhaar, P M Rodrigues, P Neto and M Mónica, Fundação Casa da Música/Universidade Nova de Lisboa/Artshare Lda., Aveiro, PORTUGAL and University of Plymouth/Coventry University, UK

CaDaReMi: an educational interactive music game

R Gehlhaar, P M Rodrigues and L M Girão, Coventry University/University of Plymouth, UK and Artshare Lda., Aveiro/Fundação Casa da Música, PORTUGAL

Making music with images: interactive audiovisual performance systems for the deaf

M Grierson, Goldsmiths College, UK

Using immersion in a musical virtual space environment to enhance quality of body movement in young adults with hemiparesis

P Lopes-dos-Santos, A Nanim, H Fernandes and J Levi, University of Porto/UADIP/Balleteatro, PORTUGAL

Mix-it-yourself with a brain-computer music interface

E R Miranda and V Soucaret, University of Plymouth, UK