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2014 Best Paper Certificate
2014 Best Student Paper Certificate
2014 Best Short Paper Certificate
2014 Best Student Short Paper Certificate

ICDVRAT 2014 Conference Awards

Best Paper Award

Sponsored by: Bright Cloud International Corp.


Adapting a humanoid robot for use with children with profound and multiple disabilities, P J Standen, D J Brown, J Hedgecock, J Roscoe, M J Galvez Trigo, E Elgajiji, University of Nottingham/Nottingham Trent University, UK


Intensive language-action therapy in virtual reality for a rehabilitation gaming system, K Grechuta, B Rubio, A Duff, E Duarte Oller, P Verschure, Pompeu Fabra University/Hospital del Mar i l’Esperanza, Barcelona/CREA – Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, SPAIN


Towards a mobile exercise application to prevent falls: a participatory design process, M Sandlund, H Lindgren, P Pohl, A Melander-Wikman, B Bergvall-Kåreborn, L Lundin-Olsson, Umeå University/Luleå University of Technology, SWEDEN

Best Student Paper Award

Sponsored by: International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation


Functional improvement of hemiparetic upper limb after a virtual reality-based intervention with a tabletop system and tangible objects, R Lloréns, C Colomer, E Noé, M Ortega, M Alcañiz, Universitat Politècnica de València/Fundación Hospitales NISA/Univesity of Jaume I, SPAIN


Study of the impact of added contextual stimuli on the performance in a complex virtual task among patients with brain injury and controls, H Cherni, P-A Joseph, E Klinger, Arts Métiers ParisTech, Angers-Laval/ EA4136, Bordeaux, FRANCE


An integrative virtual reality cognitive-motor intervention approach in stroke rehabilitation: a pilot study, A L Faria, A Vourvopoulos, M S Cameirão, J C Fernandes, S Bermúdez i Badia, Universidade da Madeira/ Universidade de Coimbra/Hospital Nélio Mendonça, Funchal, PORTUGAL


Usability assessment of natural user interfaces during serious games: adjustments for dementia intervention, V Vallejo, I Tarnanas, T Yamaguchi, T Tsukagoshi, R Yasuda, R Müri, U P Mosimann, T Nef, University of Bern/University Hospital, Bern/ University Hospital of Psychiatry, Bern, SWITZERLAND/Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN

Best Short Paper Award

Sponsored by: Bright Cloud International Corp.


Kinecting the moves: the kinematic potential of rehabilitation-specific gaming to inform treatment for hemiplegia, S M N Glegg, C T Hung, B A Valdés, B D G Kim, H F M Van der Loos, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, Vancouver/University of British Columbia, CANADA


A participatory design framework for the gamification of rehabilitation systems, D Charles, S McDonough, University of Ulster, NORTHERN IRELAND


Challenges in developing new technologies for special needs education: a force-field analysis, P L Weiss, S V G Cobb, M Zancanaro, University of Haifa, ISRAEL/ University of Nottingham, UK/3FBK – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY


Grid-pattern indicating interface for ambient assisted living, G Yamamoto, Z Asghar, Y Uranishi, T Taketomi, C Sandor, T Kuroda, P Pulli, H Kato, Nara Institute of Science Technology/University Hospital, Kyoto University, JAPAN/University of Oulu, FINLAND

Best Student Short Paper Award

Sponsored by: International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation


A comparison of upper limb movement profiles when reaching to virtual and real targets using the Oculus Rift: implications for virtual-reality enhanced stroke rehabilitation, M A Just, P J Stapley, M Ros, F Naghdy, D Stirling, University of Wollongong, AUSTRALIA


Virtual spatial navigation tests based on animal research – spatial cognition deficit in first episodes of schizophrenia, I Fajnerová, K Vlček, C Brom, K Dvorská, D Levčík, L Konrádová, P Mikoláš, M Ungrmanová, M Bída, K Blahna, F Španiel, A Stuchlík, J Horáček, M Rodriguez, Prague Psychiatric Center/Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic/Charles University, CZECH REPUBLIC


Improved mobility and reduced fall risk in older adults after five weeks of virtual reality training, S R Shema, P Bezalel, Z Sberlo, O Wachsler Yannai, N Giladi, J M Hausdorff, A Mirelman, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center/Tel-Aviv University, ISRAEL/Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA


Awards Panel



Pre-selection of Shortlists was conducted by Programme Chair based on Reviews


Lena Pareto (Chair), University West, Trollhätten, SWEDEN

Greg Burdea, Bright Cloud International Corp., USA

Sue Cobb, ISVR President/University of Nottingham, UK

Pedro Gamito, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, PORTUGAL

Alma Merians, Rugters University, USA



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